Adding a table of contents

A quick update: a table of contents has been added to the side bar, which should help navigating the longer posts and pages.

There are more possibilities to make it better, but I prefer stability on this blog, and will only make changes in baby steps.

Curiously, I discovered an old post draft named “menus & widgets” but with no actual content. It must be some long forgotten plan to look at the widgets…

Posts and Pages

The blog seems inactive for a few months, but I was actually frequently writing stuff here. The problem was that I was creating pages rather than posts recently.

Admittedly, it is hard to organize stuff either way. And organizing things is hard in general, so I don’t blame Workpress for this. And there are probably a plugin or two that fixes this, I am just too lazy to check them out.

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Football Manager 2019 Shinnik Season 16

The season is also special in its own: it is the first time we win the league consecutively. I am pretty sure this is not yet another random statistical trick to make up things, since that being in the European Championship does seem to have some negative impact to the league performance. Fixture congestion, having to buy more players to avoid people complaining about the lack of squad depth, and having to deal with too many players complaining about playing time as a result, these are all unique challenges to consecutive winners.

And, despite being actually a very shambolic season, we somehow managed to overcome the above-mentioned difficulties.

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Football Manager 2019 Shinnik Season 14

Another season, and financial woes strike back as expected!

The performance was actually pretty good. We ended up at the second place, which was the highest among all seasons where we entered the Champions League. For some reason like fixture congestion, such seasons are always hard. So I guess I should be satisfied.

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