Print Style

Just realized that Kahuna has already included print style in their CSS, so that printed posts will be mostly black-on-white. It saves ink and promotes clarity.

My CSS hacks had interfered with this and caused the printed pages to have a weird header. It has now been fixed.

Fixing the webfont kit

Anyone interested in typography will probably ask me this question:

Why is there no ligature for “fi” in the site title, de finibus?

And for some time I thought the answer was: “I would like to, but Adagio Serif does not come with one.”

Which is completely wrong. Adagio Serif has a ligature for “fi”, as its style really asks for one.

It leads me to investigate why I don’t see ligatures in my website.

Read more“Fixing the webfont kit”


This is the first reorganization of posts on my blog.

In the beginning, I said that I did not care about content organization, I just wanted to write something, and there are no intended readers at all. However, as of now I already have 17 posts, this post not included. I find it starting to be hard even for myself to find the article I want.

So even without any intended readers, there is a need for keeping my blog well organized and tidy.

There are three areas covered by this reorganization: categories/tags, excerpts and tagline.

Read more“Reorganization”

Playing Angular

Since I found myself desperately lacking modern front end skills, I decide to spend some time in creating an example Angular app.

This article covers the following questions:

  • What are some interesting UI component libraries I discovered?
  • How can I embed my Angular app to my WordPress posts?

Read more“Playing Angular”

The color scheme

So far I have been living with a make-do color scheme. One of the reasons is that while Kahuna has lots of awesome options for controlling the color scheme, not everything is achievable from the settings, and some CSS hacking is needed. Of course, I am not afraid of CSS hacking. I just did not have the time to do it from the beginning.

Read more“The color scheme”