This blog was down for a few days because Ubuntu update screwed the Apache2 PHP mod. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really paying attention.
Alas, many things have changed since the last posts. I had many things I wanted to talk about. Tabletop RPGs, board games, fonts, and just random fun stuff.
One of the bad trend is that I tend to write long drafts and then abandon them because then I looked at the half-finished post, asked “what the hell did I write”, then just couldn’t motivate myself to finish the remaining half. Fun stuff does’t survive close inspection. Building a sand castle is fun, asking the kid why they built the castle this way isn’t.
Another factor was that my sleeping pattern is abysmal. Back then when I wrote (or at least attempted to write) something every Thursday, I spent the time between 7 PM and somewhere between 12 AM to 2 AM to do that. But when you get up at random time and go to bed at random time, there is little you can plan ahead. “Will I have five hours to write something with?” I don’t know.
Anyhow, bug fixed, the blog is not going away. Websites, like every other human creation, decay, and keeping stuff from rotting away is, in some sense, the point of human life.