Datasheet (Truck)

Design: 1936; Prototyping: 1937; Mass Production: 1940.

Engine: 95 hp

Wheelbase: 134 1/4″ (3410mm)

Front Suspension / Back Suspension: 38″ / 45″ (965mm / 1143mm)

Tire: 10.50×20

Wheel: 6.00×20

Treads: front 70.5″ (1791mm), rear 69″ (1753mm)


  1. Wikipedia: Canadian Military Pattern truck
  2. Maple Leaf Up: Ford CMP Specification Sheet
  3. US Army Models: U.S. Army Pneumatic Tires of World War II
  4. Wartime Canada: Vehicle Data Book Pt1 [pdf]

Datasheet (Bus)

Capacity: 45

Top Speed: 65 km/h


  1. 芜湖党史方志图书馆. 芜湖市志.
  2. 界面. 70周年,你不知道的上海|在反封锁的日子里自力更生


First bus in Wuhu (1953)

Various Modified Ford F-60 in the World


  1. 芜湖生活圈: 原来,历史上芜湖第一辆公交是这个样子的!
  2. 芜湖党史方志图书馆. 芜湖市志. (see above)

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